Foresight4Food has launched an insightful webinar series for the students and practitioners of foresight and food system analysis. The webinar series focuses on practical examples and cases of use of foresight methods for food systems transformation. Through interactive discussions, the webinars will provide plenty of engagement opportunities for diverse stakeholder groups and individuals working on foresight to share their work with others in the Foresight4Food network.
The themes addressed in the series revolve around: what is the value-add for using foresight approaches, how to link qualitative and quantitative foresight methods; and regional and country-level foresight use cases.
Episode 1 – Foresight Update Discussion
The first episode of the Foresight4Food Webinar Series was held on Feb 7 on the theme of Foresight Update Discussion. Moderated by Jim Woodhill, Lead Foresight4Food Initiative and Bram Peters, Facilitator Foresight4Food Initiative, the guest speakers for the first episode included Keith Wiebe, Senior Research Fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute in Washington DC, and Rathana Peou Norbert-Munns, Climate Foresight and Scenarios Development Expert at the UN FAO.
The discussion was held around the theme of “State of Play: An Update on the foresight work of Foresight4Food, IFPRI, and FAO Asia’ where Jim Woodhill highlighted the Importance of Foresight for Food System Change and with a brief look at the work of Foresight4Food’s FoSTr Programme in Jordan. Rathana Peou discussed different aspects of Climate Foresight for Food System Transformation, whereas Keith Wiebe talked about CGIAR Initiative on Foresight and Metrics.
You can watch the recording of the first episode here.
Episode 2 – Integrating Stakeholder Engagement and Computer Modelling in Foresight Processes
In the second episode held on Feb 23, on the topic of Integrating Stakeholder Engagement and Computer Modelling in Foresight Processes, experts from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Wageningen Economic Research (WEcR), and the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) talked about their work on the use of computer modeling in the foresight process.
Moderated by Rathana Peou Norbert-Munns (UN FAO), there was an engaging discussion by Keith Wiebe (IFPRI) who talked about Integrating Engagement and Modeling, Saeed Moghayer, Senior Researcher in Agri-food Sustainability Wageningen Economic Research, presenting the Case of Dhaka Food System Project as a part of Foresight Scenario Modelling and Monika Zurek, Lead Foresight4Food Initiative, shedding some light on the integration of qualitative and quantitative approaches so they complement each other.
The participants were then given an opportunity of a breakout session where the presenters were able to answer their questions and take their comments.
You can watch the recording of the second episode here.
There are more exciting episodes with new guests and interesting new themes coming up after the Foresight4Food Third Global Montpellier Workshop (8-9 March, 2023).