Using foresight and scenario analysis for food systems change

Exploring the future for better decisions today

What we offer

Foresight4Food provides a mechanism for better analysis and synthesis of key trends and possible futures in global food systems to support more informed and strategic dialogue between the private sector, government, science and civil society.

Latest News

FoSTr shares Bangladesh food system map, discusses key food system bottlenecks
Following the 4th Global Foresight4Food Workshop in Savar, Dhaka, the Foresight4Food FoSTr team held an engaging session in Dhaka city to share the final version of the Bangladesh food system map, discuss the country's key food system bottlenecks, and present the FoSTr/SHiFT modelling work carried out by the Wageningen MAGNET team.
'Urgent need to foster nutrition-resilient communities' message from Global Foresight4Food Workshop
4th Global Foresight4Food workshop brought together foresight practitioners, users, researchers, and food systems experts from across the globe for stronger collaboration and to identify opportunities for enhancing the use of foresight in food systems transformation initiatives, deepen the understanding of effective foresight approaches, methods, and tools...
Exploring common vision for future of Lake Turkana food system, a multi-stakeholder workshop in Marsabit
Together with the World Food Programme and the World Food Programme Innovation team, The FoSTr team held a highly interactive and productive three-day workshop to support the co-creation of the new ‘Sustainably Unlocking the Economic Potential of Lake Turkana’ programme.

Latest from the blog

Using Foresight to Re-imagine the Future of Food Systems: Foresight4Food holds its 4th Global Meeting
In a highly interactive week, participants engaged in a masterclass on foresight approaches, shared their experiences and lessons, heard from thought-leaders on food systems and foresight...
Adapting to the Turbulence: Importance of Futures Thinking for Kenya's Food System
By Bram Peters The Foresight4Food FoSTr team has just returned from an active and productive trip to Kenya, despite the...
A Start to the Foresight Process - Mapping the Food System of Jordan, Uganda, Kenya, Bangladesh and Niger
The Foresight4Food team in collaboration with our facilitators and research partners in each focus country, created comprehensive food systems reports mapping the dynamics, trends, drivers, and activities within the food system.

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