Partner Projects

What Future for Small-Scale Agriculture?
Farmers and food systems
This Foresight4Food project explores the future of small-scale agriculture, and calls for a profound transformation of food systems in this sector. The project, which draws on the latest data, assesses the state of small-scale agriculture, proposes conceptual frameworks, highlights where more data is needed, and strongly calls for long-term food systems transformation to ensure the sustainability, profitability, and long-term success of small-scale agriculture in the future.
Regional Foresight for Food Systems in the Eastern Gangetic Plains
Australian Centre for International Agriculture Research
This project used scenario-based foresight analyses to understand the future risks and opportunities for food systems in the Eastern Gangetic Plans (EGP) region of Bangladesh. The project aimed to increase capacity and engagement of local EGP actors in identifying drivers, trends, and uncertainties in their food systems. Three reports, based on the participatory foresight exercises of the project, outline the emerging opportunities and challenges for this region. The project was conducted between September 2019 and December 2020 by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research in partnership with Bangladesh Agricultural University.
K4D: Learning Journey on Changing Food Systems
Learning Journey on Changing Food Systems
The Learning Journey (March 2018 to April 2019) brought together external experts and DFID country and headquarters staff to explore the longer-term implications of changing food systems for DFID’s development goals. Through dynamic knowledge activities – e.g. framing sessions, thematic sessions and in-country round table discussions – it looked at both the systemic risks and transformational opportunities in food systems, and identified how the latter could mitigate the former.