A shared agenda for strengthening foresight for food systems in Africa

In the first week of July 2022, the Foresight4Food Initiative hosted five foresight and scenario experts from the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) in Oxford. During the week, Foresight4Food researchers provided a scenario and foresight training (more info in this blog), experiences of using foresight in the food domain were exchanged and a shared agenda was developed for strengthening foresight for food systems in Africa.

Researchers from Foresight4Food and the Africa Foresight Academy at Oxford University: Monika Zurek (ECI), Just Dengerink (WUR), Kwaku Antwi (FARA), Herman Brouwer (WUR), Karen Munoko (FARA), Baitsi Podisi (FARA), Abdulrazak Ibrahim (FARA), Jim Woodhill (ECI), Fatunbi Aluwole (FARA) and John Ingram (ECI).

As part of the shared agenda, Foresight4Food and the Africa Foresight Academy will collaborate in five different domains to strengthen foresight and scenario analysis to support food system transformation on the African continent:

  1. Increasing awareness about the role scenario and foresight can play in advancing food system transformation
  2. Providing institutional support to organizations interested in using scenario and foresight analysis to shape food system transformation strategies
  3. Developing communities of practice in which knowledge around scenario and foresight methods and practices can be shared
  4. Developing capabilities of researchers and policymakers in using scenario and foresight tools and facilitating scenario processes.
  5. Doing foresight by organizing participatory scenario and foresight processes in different African countries to shape food system transformation agenda’s
Visualization of the shared agenda for strengthening foresight for food systems in Africa