Foresight4food will host a session on “Foresight and Future Scenarios for Food Systems Transformation – Building Resilience and Fostering Adaptation to Protect Against Future Crises” during this year’s CFS meeting. The event will be held jointly with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (FAD), the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) and the CFS HLPE-FSN.
The Foresight4Food “Enabling National Processes of Foresight for Food Systems Transformation (FoSTr) Programme” will be launched during the session. This programme has been funded by the Netherlands through the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
During the session the HLPE-FSN report 17 on “Data collection and analysis tools for food security and nutrition” will be introduced with a discussion of how this work relates to food systems foresight. You can check the side events schedule here.