Foresight is a key tool that stakeholders in a system can jointly use to better understand future risks and opportunities and to accelerate adaptation and learning to be more resilient. It involves anticipating future trends, uncertainties, and risks, exploring solutions and innovations, and creating foresight-backed scenarios to guide transformation processes.
In this context, Foresight4Food, the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), the African Food Fellowship Programme(AFF), and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) are collaborating to offer a leaders capacity development workshop on foresight for agri-food systems change in Naivasha, Kenya from 13 – 17 November, 2023. This event is made possible by a partnership with the Mastercard Foundation.
The workshop titled Facilitating Foresight for Agri-Food Systems Change in Africa – A Leaders Capacity Development Workshop will largely focus on transforming agri-food systems but will also be relevant to those working on wider development issues and aims to develop a cohort and network of leaders who can apply foresight in their own working context, to help bring about transformative change for equity and sustainability.
Workshop participants include young and emerging leaders (aged 18-35) across government, research, business, and civil society interested in using foresight and scenario analysis in their organizations and fields of work.
You can find more about the workshop and details about the programme here.