Episode 1 – Foresight Update Discussion
February 7 at 14.00 CET
Join the first episode of the Foresight4Food Webinar Series 2023. The webinar series will focus on practical examples and cases of use of foresight methods for food systems transformation. The interactive webinar series will provide plenty of engagement opportunities for diverse stakeholder groups and individuals working on foresight to share their work with others in the Foresight4Food network. Themes addressed in the series revolve around: what is the value-add for using foresight approaches, how to link qualitative and quantitative foresight methods; and regional and country-level foresight use cases.
Moderated by Jim Woodhill, Lead Foresight4Food Initiative, the guest speakers for the first episode on the topic of Foresight Update Discussion will be Keith Wiebe, Senior Research Fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute in Washington DC, and Rathana Peou Norbert-Munns, Climate Foresight and Scenarios Development Expert at the UN FAO. The discussion will be held around the theme of “State of Play: An Update on the foresight work of Foresight4Food, IFPRI and FAO Asia’.