5th Foresight4Food Global Workshop


18th February 2025

Foresight for Transformative Action in Food Systems: Leadership, Resilience & Regional Cooperation

(June 15 – 19 2025, Jordan)

Food systems transformation is essential if we are to deal with the polycrisis of food insecurity,
climate change, geopolitical tensions, food market instability and inequality. We know why this is
urgent. We know that we would like future food systems to be inclusive, sustainable and healthy.
What’s needed is more purposeful and collaborative engagement in transformative action.

Foresight is emerging as a valuable approach to navigating uncertainty, imagining alternative food
systems futures, and exploring options for change. However, it may also be an essential way to
support leadership for change, build resilience capacities and encourage regional cooperation.
Join us in Jordan to explore this, and more!

What to Expect

The 5th edition of our annual workshop will again bring together foresight thought foresight leaders,
innovators, and changemakers from across the globe. The workshop will be highly interactive with
dynamic workshops, panel discussions, and collaborative exercises designed to foster dialogue,
ignite creativity, and spark actionable progress on the foresight agenda.

  • Interactive sharing of transformative actions involving foresight: Hear from colleagues how they are putting foresight and scenario analysis into practice to change food systems.
  • Explore a range of methods in foresight: Cases exploring qualitative, quantitative, and experiential methods will be explored, and good practices for mixing methods will be identified.
  • Linking across scales: country realities meeting regional cooperation: drawing on experiences from the host country Jordan, neighbouring countries and other regions, we will explore what is needed to link up innovative local-level solutions with regional cooperation efforts and global efforts
  • Engaging in the ‘how’ of food systems transformation processes: dialogues unpacking how foresight may enhance qualities and processes of leadership, resilience and regional cooperation

Workshop Objectives

  • Strengthen the international community of foresight and food systems practitioners, policymakers, users, and researchers
  • Explore how future-oriented food systems leadership, resilience and regional cooperation can be cultivated through enhanced foresight capacities and approaches
  • Deepen understanding of effective and impactful foresight approaches and methods
  • Identify opportunities for further learning, synergy and linkages across foresight and food systems transformation initiatives

Tentative Programme

Day 0 – 15 JunePre-workshop Day (Optional)
Masterclass on Foresight and Food Systems Transformation and Field Trip
Day 1 – 16 JuneForesight for Transformative Action
Setting the scene and sharing of cases
Day 2 – 17 JuneLeadership, Resilience and Regional Cooperation
Deepening cases, dialogues and co-creation
Day 3 – 18 JuneCollaborating for Transformative Foresight-driven Action
Moving the collective agenda for action forward
Day 4 – 19 JuneFood Systems Transformation in Jordan and the Region (Optional)
Conference: Bringing together Jordan and neighbouring country food systems

Organizers & Supporters

This global workshop is convened by Foresight4Food Initiative, in collaboration with the Jordan National Alliance Against Malnutrition and Hunger (NAJMAH), with support from the Government of Jordan.

Get Involved!

We invite you to co-create the workshop with us! Contribute ideas, share your work, or run an interactive session to make this event worthwhile for a diverse group of foresight and food
systems practitioners. We also seek expressions of interest from those who would like to present their work or run an interactive session.

Let’s make this a valuable and action-oriented event for foresight and food systems practitioners worldwide.